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Equinor to partner up with ONS+

“We want to bring ONS to the people, and invite new audiences”, says Equinor about their new partnership for ONS+.

April 26, 2024

In the picture: Cato Meling, Thea Moen (Equinor), Tonje Skålevik and Jon Christian Harestad (Equinor).

“We are really happy Equinor chooses to be a part of our downtown arena at night, in addition to an already great stand and presence at ONS”, says Tonje Skålevik, Project manager for ONS+.

ONS+ is the networking arena downtown where both ONS attendees and everyone interested in the societal energy debate can join debates, stand-up, network events and a major concert during the ONS event in August. In 2022 ONS+ premiered the debate concept which has given the arena relevance also outside the traditional audience at ONS.

“We want to invite families, students and everyone curious about ONS to Vågen and our stand downtown Stavanger from 26th to 29th of August. It is a new arena for us, and we’re excited about the opportunity to invite also those not usually attending ONS,” says Thea Moen, Head of Sponsorship, Equinor.

Every night during ONS the harbour will be filled with tents, with different types of events and debates, open and free for all. To have Equinor as part of the line-up along Strandkaien, will provide a diverse and exciting offer to visitors and eager network-builders.

As Project Manager at ONS, Cato Meling expresses excitement about this partnership: "We're thrilled to have Equinor wanting to connect with a broad audience, especially the younger generation, to ignite conversations about energy and sustainability.”

Equinor will host their own stand next to other companies and partners from Houston, the communication agency Corporate Communications and Schibsted.

Programme and more info about the full offer downtown during ONS will be released continuously. Follow ONS on Linkedin and check out our programme page here for updates.

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In the picture: Cato Meling, Thea Moen (Equinor), Tonje Skålevik and Jon Christian Harestad (Equinor).

“We are really happy Equinor chooses to be a part of our downtown arena at night, in addition to an already great stand and presence at ONS”, says Tonje Skålevik, Project manager for ONS+.

ONS+ is the networking arena downtown where both ONS attendees and everyone interested in the societal energy debate can join debates, stand-up, network events and a major concert during the ONS event in August. In 2022 ONS+ premiered the debate concept which has given the arena relevance also outside the traditional audience at ONS.

“We want to invite families, students and everyone curious about ONS to Vågen and our stand downtown Stavanger from 26th to 29th of August. It is a new arena for us, and we’re excited about the opportunity to invite also those not usually attending ONS,” says Thea Moen, Head of Sponsorship, Equinor.

Every night during ONS the harbour will be filled with tents, with different types of events and debates, open and free for all. To have Equinor as part of the line-up along Strandkaien, will provide a diverse and exciting offer to visitors and eager network-builders.

As Project Manager at ONS, Cato Meling expresses excitement about this partnership: "We're thrilled to have Equinor wanting to connect with a broad audience, especially the younger generation, to ignite conversations about energy and sustainability.”

Equinor will host their own stand next to other companies and partners from Houston, the communication agency Corporate Communications and Schibsted.

Programme and more info about the full offer downtown during ONS will be released continuously. Follow ONS on Linkedin and check out our programme page here for updates.

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